Motion to NUS on Ukraine

Below is a motion I have submitted to the next NUS NEC on 13th May about the current political situation in the Ukraine. There will also be a lot of remitted policy from the recent annual NUS conference to discuss, but I’m hoping we can get to this, as it’s such a pressing issue. I think it’s important for NUS to take clear positions on international issues to show our support for oppressed groups, and I hope that if this motion passes, NUS will take up it’s action points to build links with student and other groups in the area.

NUS NEC believes that the right of nations to self-determination is an important part of democracy.

NUS NEC further believes that Russia, the historical and recent  oppressor of Ukraine, is attempting to regain political control of the  country. In the current clash between Russia and Ukraine, we support  the Ukrainians’ right to defend their independence against Russian  imperialism. We call for an end to Russian aggression against Ukraine.

At the same time our number one emphasis and priority here is making  links with students’ organisations, workers’ organisations and other  progressive and democratic forces in Ukraine, supporting them against  both Russian aggression and Ukraine’s right-wing government and  growing right-wing nationalist movement.

We will also publicise and support the struggles of the anti-war movement in Russia, and call on the British government and other  
Western powers to stop seeking to impose neo-liberal economic policies on Ukraine and instead cancel the country’s debts.

Proposed: Rosie Huzzard
Seconded: Gordon Maloney, James McAsh

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